High Holy Days 5784

L’Shanah Tovah – Happy New Year – Chag Sameach!

Our services for the Chagim to mark Sukkot and Simchat Torah will be at The Ark Synagogue in Northwood.

Friday 29 September
Erev Sukkot & Shabbat Evening Service
Led by the rabbis at The Ark Synagogue
Join us in person or watch the service here

Our YouTube channel

Saturday 30 September
Sukkot & Shabbat Morning Service
Led by the rabbis at The Ark Synagogue
Join us in person or watch the service here

Our YouTube channel

Friday 6 October
Erev Simchat Torah & Shabbat Evening Service
Led by the rabbis at The Ark Synagogue
Join us in person or watch the service here

Our YouTube channel

Saturday 7 October
Simchat Torah & Shabbat Morning Service
Led by the rabbis at The Ark Synagogue
Join us in person or watch the service here

Our YouTube channel