Yom Ha-Shoah 5783

Join us to honour the memory of six million Jews who were murdered in the Shoah (Holocaust). All events are offered free of charge but we kindly ask for a donation in aid of our twin Ukrainian congregations of Lutsk and Lviv. Donate here.

The Ark Synagogue are also delighted to be part of the Yellow Candle Appeal 2023, Remembrance to Renewal. Each Yellow Candle will come with Dwarf Sunflower Seeds, you can keep your Yellow Candle Tin to plant a seed for the future, to help us remember the past. The candles are available at £2 each from the synagogue office. Please contact Mandy Blackstein in the Synagogue office for more information.

Monday 17 April
6pm in person or online
Yom Ha-Shoah Talk
Professor Dan Stone, Director, Holocaust Research Institute will be at The Ark to discuss his new book, “The Holocaust: An Unfinished History”.
To join us on Zoom, click


Tuesday 18 April
5pm in person or online
Yom Ha-Shoah Short Service
A short service with Rabbi Aaron to honour the six million Jews who were murdered in the Shoah, including Survivor testimonies from Ark members.
To join us on Zoom, click